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There are 27 strata titled homes in Driftwood Village. As with any condo, each household purchases their own unit and a share of the common facilities. If a mortgage is needed, each household qualifies for their own personal mortgage. Each household is responsible for paying monthly strata fees to the strata corporation and annual property taxes to the City of North Vancouver.
As with any strata titled unit, owners can sell their unit in the future for market value*, and the owners choose who to sell their unit to. The community can provide marketing support (e.g. website listing and tours of community amenities) but the community does not ‘screen’ or ‘approve’ potential purchasers.
Strata homes in cohousing communities tend to have comparable market values to similar units in their neighbourhoods; however, very few other strata developments have the same level of common amenities as provided in a cohousing community.
*Driftwood Village includes 19 market units and 8 below-market units. Through a Housing Agreement with the City of North Vancouver and a covenant on title, resale of the below-market units is capped at 25% below market value. All below-market units have been purchased.
As with all strata titled properties, Driftwood Village falls under the BC Strata Property Act. As such, the community operates with a strata corporation, strata council, monthly strata fees, annual operating budget, and contingency reserve fund. Details are available to potential purchasers through a disclosure statement.
Comprehensive information about our strata corporation is available for potential purchasers; however, some commonly asked questions are answered below:
Driftwood Village uses consensus as the decision-making method for council meetings, instead of relying on majority vote
All units are represented on the strata council, not just a few households
Driftwood is a pet-friendly community
Rentals are permitted
Smoking / vaping is not permitted anywhere on the property
Need advice on mortgages?
Ask your mortgage broker, credit union or bank about purchasing a “pre-sale condo in a strata development”.
If you don’t have a broker, Lysa Dixon is a mortgage specialist based in Vancouver with cohousing experience.
As the ‘right’ mortgage for your household depends on your personal financial situation, Driftwood Village cannot provide advice about financing.
As with other strata titled complexes, each household purchases their own home. If a mortgage is needed, each household must qualify for the mortgage and may choose their personal mortgage based on the advice of their mortgage professional. The Purchase & Sale agreement requires a 10% deposit, but your preferred mortgage may require a higher down payment. Please contact your mortgage professional to determine your mortgage qualification limits.
This website does not constitute an offering for sale. Any such offering can only be made by way of a disclosure statement. Potential purchasers are welcome to contact us for more information, as well as our disclosure statement.
The current members of Driftwood Village Cohousing are also the directors and shareholders of the development company, Driftwood Village Cohousing Ltd.
Becoming part of our company is an option for the future purchasers of our available units, which would allow your household to participate in decisions before move-in, giving you more control into the development of your future home. Please contact us for more information about the details, benefits and responsibilities of joining the development company.
From the Canadian Cohousing Network:
“Cohousing provides personal privacy combined with the benefits of living in a community where people know and interact with their neighbours. It’s about living in a way that’s responsive to a world that has changed dramatically in the last fifty years... Cohousing offers hope in our often dissociated society. Through cohousing, we can build a better place to live, a place where we know our neighbours, a place where we can enjoy a rich sense of community and contribute to a more sustainable world.”
From the Cohousing Association of the United States:
“Cohousing is community designed to foster connection. Physical spaces allow neighbors to easily interact with others just outside private homes. Common areas including kitchen, dining space and gardens bring people together. Collaborative decision-making builds relationships.
Prefer to learn from a book? Our local public libraries can help you out:
Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities, by Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durrett (North Vancouver City Library) (Vancouver Public Library)
The Cohousing Handbook: Building a Place for Community, by Chris ScottHanson and Kelly ScottHanson (North Vancouver City Library) (Vancouver Public Library)
The Senior Cohousing Handbook: A Community Approach to Independent Living, by Charles Durrett (North Vancouver City Library) (Vancouver Public Library)
Our community values working cooperatively. Since 2015, we have worked together to create this community, both in terms of the building under construction, and the social connections amongst neighbours.
Our community succeeds and thrives based on member participation. Each person finds their own niche, based on their skills, passions and capacity to contribute. In addition, we recognize that flexibility is important (e.g. new baby, family illness, disability).
Typical areas in which people choose to participate are governance (e.g. committees, facilitation, record keeping, bookkeeping), physical work (e.g. gardening, maintenance) and community building (e.g. social events, conflict resolution).
Our community also has a system of common meals. Meals are provided 3 times per week and are optional to attend (if it works for your schedule and sounds tasty!). In each 5 week cycle, everyone signs up for 2 cooking and/or cleaning shifts, according to their skills and interests. Each meal is cooked by a team of 3 people, gratefully enjoyed by a group of neighbours, and then cleaned up by a team of 3 people.
Driftwood Village uses consensus decision-making, which is a cooperative process in which the community works together to understand an issue and develop a suitable proposal, and agrees to support a decision that is in the best interest of the whole group (as opposed to a decision that is in the best interest of certain individuals). In cohousing jargon, it usually works out as “most people get most of what they want, most of the time”.
While we aim to be respectful of our neighbours and understanding of different perspectives, we know that interpersonal conflict is inevitable with 27 households and 20 children living on one-third of an acre. As such, we have skills and strategies to give and receive feedback and to constructively address conflicts. Over the years, we expect to go through some awkward conversations, but that’s preferable to letting a disagreement with a neighbour fester.
Children benefit from living in a multigenerational cohousing community; there are always other kids to play with (and to practice working out differences) and neighbours available to supervise a park mission, read a book or teach a craft.
Especially for parents of young children, cohousing can smooth some of the wrinkles of day-to-day life. Besides the convenient camaraderie of our common meal system, knowing your neighbours comes in handy when school has early dismissal or you’re hoping to swap childcare.
Seniors can be vulnerable to isolation, and aging in place in a community where you’re known - and needed - can alleviate that risk.
We're a multi-generational group of singles, couples, families with kids, and retirees, from different walks of life.
Rather than becoming too busy or frantic and feeling over-extended or isolated, we want a more practical and social lifestyle, based on co-operation, respect and caring for our neighbours.
The young families in our group are excited to raise kids in cohousing, giving them room to be independent beyond their own backyard, as well as many opportunities to compromise with, learn from, and care about a wider circle of people.
The older members appreciate the chance to downsize, while maintaining access to amenities like a garden and a workshop, and sheltering themselves from isolation in the long run.
Takes a village.
Do more with less.
Money matters.
Working together.
Embrace diversity.
Learning from each other.
We work together to support and sustain our successful, thriving cohousing community.
We’re committed to building a cooperative community through learning, growing and connecting with our neighbours.